Reel Production is my own private production company. In no way am I professional or even persuing a degree in production. Its just my passion and hobby! Enjoy the videos and pictures!
I'm a business student but seriously confused with my visualfx and graphicfx passion. Hmm what else..I like playing guitar( ok is that lame ? ) oh and I'm also a bboy, been dancing for 4 years now!
Here are some pictures that I made with photoshop well I dont know why but photoshop has been useless to me as a stand alone program but at the same time so f***ing useful when it comes to incorporating with other are some pics I made quite a while back.. Vector art Rx8
Day to night transformation
The original picture of the two below are taken by Mrs Shanaz Kimi. Mizo Pi
Okay one thing I forgot to put up one of the video I made and Benji has informed me quick abt it hihihi thanks man!! Mimi Album Promotion
Its been a while since I have last blog but I thought I would start fresh once again and purely this will be for my passion and hobbies. Okay here I am and will be staying for a while this time......hopefully!! I shot this in my friend's living room with his sony camcorder, people find it hard to believe that it wasn't done in a studio..well it was my solo project and so far the only one lolz!
Introduction to SIlver Bullet Graphics Since Im begining to touch 3D slowly, I always like to put a name on the things I do, label them.. So I come up with Silver Bullet Graphics, hmmmm I dont know how it will work out but hopefully for the best..its not that crazy but it will be ... just wait it will be more crazy from here onwards lolz!
Videocopilot This is my first 3D incorporated project, I dont know why its so dark on youtube or its just my screen, anyways you can watch it better if you fullscreened it..anyhuu I made it for Andrew Kramer and the wonderful knowledge he has shared with so many of us. For his Generousity and also his jokes LMAO "Does a one legged duck swims in circle? You bet it does" lolz!
The Chinese Demon Crank up your speaker and be surprised..Thats all I got lolz!
Beta Earth Rotation This is kinda cool, The globe is actually flat, well not that the earth is flat in reality but the original picture is flat, I composite it using aftereffects and use CC Sphere, put stars at the background, and rotating the globe and the bg stars in opposite direction, you can get this cool effect as if your going around the globe. This is a short animation since it was juts for testing, will call it BETA.
Infinite Zoom A zoom of AR Ground from my hometown Aizawl, to space ..This is done using series of still images.
The Quest Its a little video I made for my girl, everything you see here is either 2D image coverted to 3D that or created from scratch. I used Photoshop and AfterEffects to do this project..kinda cheesy? well I am cheesy lolz...
BBM Just having fun with aftereffects so I made this one for my crew BBOYS BY MISTAKE..
The Nine Rare Act : The Reincarnation This is my first short film project, which was originally scheduled to be done by end of the summer, but we got distracted, well not distracted but we kindaa have to go to school lolz..its a brief trailer for it. It will be done, I dont know when but it will be done!!
Introduction to LOW BUDGET PRODUCTION A buddy and myself, came up with this small company nothing professional and we called it Low Budget Production, since everything we own is kinda cheap haha who am I kidding, CHEAP! but professional artist started contacting us and offered us jobs etc, kinda freaky..
MI(SUAL).COM Well this one I made for www.mi(sual).com, a site one of my buddy own..good place for an uptodate news of my home town Visit MISUAL
Got Moves?
Reel Introduction This was my first all animated footage middle of 2006, if I'm correct.
If you have any question just leave a comment or just contact me directly on my email johnpaite@gmail.comn
copyright agreement The items provided here are all free, and I am the direct owner. Therefore you can download, save, linked etc and you will not be held liable. But I would really appreaciate if I could be informed first! Thank you.