Reel Production is my own private production company. In no way am I professional or even persuing a degree in production. Its just my passion and hobby! Enjoy the videos and pictures!
I'm a business student but seriously confused with my visualfx and graphicfx passion. Hmm what else..I like playing guitar( ok is that lame ? ) oh and I'm also a bboy, been dancing for 4 years now!
Okay so continuing my effort to model Our CM Zoramthanga, I'm almost done but today I modeled his ear and lolz I did it opposite so it was in vain all those time and work put into it sigh**..Anyways here is a picture note I make, please let me know if his cheeks are too thin( I know he has a pretty big cheeks haha ) and anything else that I can note down. Thanks!!
Picture Note
Last night I did some matte painting for Zolife photoshop competition, I havent submitted it but I will soon. Its been a while since I touched photoshop but its always fun( the miracle of photoshop )So anyways, I didnt really concentrate on realism as u can see but more on color adjustment,highlights, diffusion and things like that, the more pro stuff hihi. So here is the picture..
I'm taking a little break from modeling my car but am not taking a break from 3D..I' ve started modeling our beloved( pun intended ) hihi CM Pu Zoramthanga, since yesterday. I have a bad reference picture so its not gonna be perfect hopefully it wont lack too much realism and maybe it will resemble the actual person HAHAHA(doubtful?)..Though I could animate it, I won't unless I can get some voice of the actual person or something that closely sound like him. Here is the work in process.
So I'm still sticking with my plan of animating a modeled 3d car. Since I lost the first one I'm making one more..same car but with more patience and precision. Not gonna give up hihi !! Here is the print-screen of the work! BMW M3
Okay, I haven't been able to work on any other project because of my computer for the past one week and yes I did lose all my project files when I was formatting it(I did back up but not all :P). Anyways, I got a new motherboard and add in another 1gb of RAM. I know this whole computer thingy is not really my passion but I need the best I could afford for my Designing. Oh I almost forgot I got a brand spanking new 500Gb now as well, for $119 you cannot beat that price. Its Lacie too, the case designed by F.A!! Now I have 880Gb of space in my computer now hahaha!!
No updates, sigh..I have to reformat everything tonight, Im using a laptop right now too, I hate laptops. Anyways all my files for my 3Dsmax are lost and gone, I guess will have to build another one..Anyhow...Im out, tired n pissed and possibly possessed!! p e a c e!
Okay I wrote lastnight I would buy a new RAM today but yeah not working out, I did kept my word and bought a new RAM today, one thing I got ripped off and second, it did a friend chicken curry on my motherboard..sigh** I guess I need to spend some extra and return that damn RAM tomorrow. Anyways here is just a better look at the tyre and the rim I made on 3dmax. Rims Black
Okay Sikk is done! Am I Happy? Yes, my first successful car modelling. Am I satisfied? Hellz No!! I can see so many flaws, I almost delete the whole thing. Is it a good start? You bet ur arse it is! lolz...that shud tell u a whole lot of my mind process now! I was abt to animate it but my RAM just being 1.25GB could not really handle it, I will get a new RAM tomorrow, another GB then it shud be able to get it done, hopefully!
First and formost thanks to everyone who wished me ..thx for remembering, and to those that wanna wish me, the door is still open hahaha!! My folks made a big bday cake for me but I could not be there to eat it lolz..hopefully i'll get a picture...Anyways I turned 25 and still feel like I'm 18 or so..sigh** when will I grow up!! What else...hmmm okay I continued modeling my first 3d car, its going good..but its not finish as of yet..I'd still have to animate it oh before that I have to make the tyres and the much stuff for a good animation.. here is a snapshot of the car(without the tyres of course lolz)
I guess thats it for pretty tired being my bday and all lmao..kk p e a c e !!
Haven't been updateing as often as I wanted to.. reasons?? Well the best I could come up with right now would be, I'm doing something that I havent done before, that is, 3D modeling and compositing plus animation(does that make sense?? ) Anyways, Im thinking of taking my editing to a whole new level, not only in the things I created but also in the overall composition. I realised that between a pro and an amateur, a simple animated line can be represented super different...what i mean is of course in relation to a composition. So, this kept me thinking for quite a while and watched over my animations and the things I have created and I didn't( well most of it) find it to my satisfaction anymore, that is why I'm integrating 3D and see where can I go with it..but here is the catch..I have never touch 3D stuff before, I started learning it this month so my models are gonna be out of shape, beat up lolz call it what u want, but eventually the road leads nowhere but to a new height and new improvement..I guess it all comes down to a whole lot of dedication and commitment oh and also patience!! Here is some printscreen image of what I working on.. 1)The Basic shape 2)Wireframe 3)Model in wirefram mode 4)Side 5) Front
Oh btw here is a little photoshop I did for the world champion dog...Boy are Rottweiler the coolest dog!! More Than Meets The Eye
To conclude my blog, anyone one of you remember this song?? hahaha I used to listen to it like 10 or so years ago lolz!!
Okay Guess thats it..Hope my animation comes along good wish me luck, I will be needing alot of it!! p e a c e
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