Reel Production is my own private production company. In no way am I professional or even persuing a degree in production. Its just my passion and hobby! Enjoy the videos and pictures!
I'm a business student but seriously confused with my visualfx and graphicfx passion. Hmm what else..I like playing guitar( ok is that lame ? ) oh and I'm also a bboy, been dancing for 4 years now!
Haven't been updateing as often as I wanted to.. reasons?? Well the best I could come up with right now would be, I'm doing something that I havent done before, that is, 3D modeling and compositing plus animation(does that make sense?? ) Anyways, Im thinking of taking my editing to a whole new level, not only in the things I created but also in the overall composition. I realised that between a pro and an amateur, a simple animated line can be represented super different...what i mean is of course in relation to a composition. So, this kept me thinking for quite a while and watched over my animations and the things I have created and I didn't( well most of it) find it to my satisfaction anymore, that is why I'm integrating 3D and see where can I go with it..but here is the catch..I have never touch 3D stuff before, I started learning it this month so my models are gonna be out of shape, beat up lolz call it what u want, but eventually the road leads nowhere but to a new height and new improvement..I guess it all comes down to a whole lot of dedication and commitment oh and also patience!! Here is some printscreen image of what I working on.. 1)The Basic shape 2)Wireframe 3)Model in wirefram mode 4)Side 5) Front
Oh btw here is a little photoshop I did for the world champion dog...Boy are Rottweiler the coolest dog!! More Than Meets The Eye
To conclude my blog, anyone one of you remember this song?? hahaha I used to listen to it like 10 or so years ago lolz!!
Okay Guess thats it..Hope my animation comes along good wish me luck, I will be needing alot of it!! p e a c e
copyright agreement The items provided here are all free, and I am the direct owner. Therefore you can download, save, linked etc and you will not be held liable. But I would really appreaciate if I could be informed first! Thank you.
Eka va bei nasa muah2 ve a..i Car hi tlan tir vut2 ta che...Bon hmel hle mai...ka Blog ami Alpine Car kha nalh i ti em???
solid harmony!! lol hmanlai lutuk!!!
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